Problem D: Numbersrebmun
Anna and Bob are starting up a new high-tech company.
Of course, one of their key considerations is choosing a good name for
the company. Palindromes are cool. (A palindrome is a word
that is the same when reversed, like the names of our two
entrepreneurs.) They would really the name of their company
to be a palindrome. Unfortunately, they cannot think of a nifty
company name that is also a palindrome.
Maybe at least the telephone number of their company could be a
palindrome. However, they really want their customers to be
able to call them, so they want to choose the company name so that,
when it is typed using the letters printed on a phone keypad,
the result is also their phone number. (On a standard phone
keypad, the following keys contain the corresponding letters:
2: ABC, 3: DEF, 4: GHI, 5: JKL, 6: MNO, 7: PQRS, 8: TUV, 9: WXYZ.)
Input Specification
The first line of input contains a single integer, the number of lines
to follow. Each following line contains a company name, which is a
string of at most 20 letters, which may be either uppercase or lowercase.
Sample Input
Output Specification
For each company name, print a single line of output, containing
the word YES if the phone number is a palindrome, or NO if it is not.
Output for Sample Input
Ondřej Lhoták

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