Problem E: Slalom
You are competing in a ski slalom, and you need to select
the best skis for the race. The format of the race is that there are N
pairs of left and right gates, where each right gate is W metres to the right
of its corresponding left gate, and you may neither pass to the left of the left
gate nor to the right of the right gate. The ith pair of gates occurs at
distance yi down the hill,
with the horizontal position of the ith left gate
given by xi. Each gate is further down the hill than the
previous gate (i.e. yi < yi+1 for all i).
You may select from S pairs of skis, where the jth pair has speed
Your movement is governed by the following rule: if you select a pair of skis
with speed sj, you move with a constant downward velocity of sj
metres per second.
Additionally, at any time you may move at a horizontal speed of at most vh
metres per second.
You may start and finish at any two horizontal positions.
Determine which pair of skis will allow you to get through the race course,
passing through all the gates, in the shortest amount of time.
Input Specification
The first line of input contains the three integers W, vh, and
N, separated by spaces, with
1 <= W <= 108,
1 <= vh <= 106, and
1 <= N <= 105.
The following N lines of input each contain two integers xi
yi, the horizontal and vertical positions respectively of the
ith left gate, with
1 <= xi, yi <= 108.
The next line of input contains an integer S, the number of skis,
1 <= S <= 106.
The following S lines of input each contain one integer sj, the
speed of the jth pair of skis, with 1 <= sj <= 106.
Sample Input
3 2 3
1 1
5 2
1 3
3 2 3
1 1
5 2
1 3
Output Specification
If it is impossible to complete the race with any pair of skis, print the line
IMPOSSIBLE. Otherwise, print the vertical speed sj
of the pair of skis that allows you to get through the race course in the shortest time.
Output for Sample Input
Malcolm Sharpe, Ondřej Lhoták

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