Contest Environment
- Each team will have access to three compilers: a Pascal Compiler, a C Compiler and a C++ Compiler. Each submission
may be in either language, without regard to the language used in previous submissions.
- Each submission must be one self-contained program. It must not rely on the presence of external data files (except for
the test data input file), nor may it create such files.
- Submissions in Pascal must adhere to the ISO level 1 standard. No extensions to the language are permitted. It is the
responsibility of the team, not the compiler, to ensure that the submission meets the required standard.
- Submissions in C must adhere to the ANSI standard X3.159-1989. The only permitted extension to the language are
chosen functions of the ANSI standard library. It is the responsibility of the team, not the compiler, to ensure that the
submission meets the required standard.
- Submissions in C++ must adhere to the language as defined in "The C++ Programming Language, Second Edition" by
Bjarne Stroustrup.
The only permitted extensions to the language are chosen functions of the ANSI C standard library and the iostreams
library. It is responsibility of the team, not the compiler, to ensure that the submission meets the required standard.
Conduct of the Contest
- At least one problem will be posed. As far as possible, problems will avoid dependence on detailed knowledge of a
particular applications area or a particular contest language.
- Problems will be posed in English.
- Solutions to problems submitted for judging are called runs. Each run is judged as accepted or rejected, and the team is
notified of the result. Rejected runs will be marked as either "compile time error" or "run-time error" or "time-limit
exceeded" or "wrong answer" or "presentation error" or "contest rule violation".
- Notification of accepted runs can be suspended at the appropriate time to keep final results secret. A general
announcement to that effect will be made during the contest. Notification of rejected runs will continue until the end of
the contest.
- While the contest is scheduled to last exactly the announced hours, the Online Judge manager has the authority to lengthen the
contest in the event of unforeseen difficulties. Should the Contest duration be altered, every attempt will be made to
notify contestants in a timely and uniform manner.
- The Contest Judges set by the organization which organizes the contest are solely responsible for determining the correctness
of submitted runs. They are also responsible for determining the winners of the contest. The
judging staff is empowered to adjust for or adjudicate unforeseen events and conditions. Their decisions are final and may
not be appealed.
- Teams are ranked according to the most problems solved. Teams who solve the same number of problems are ranked by
least total time. The total time is the sum of the time consumed for each problem solved. The time consumed for a solved
problem is the time elapsed from the beginning of the contest to the submittal of the accepted run plus 20 minutes for
each rejected run. There is no time consumed for a problem that is not solved.
- The Online Judge manager is solely responsible for ruling on unforeseen situations and
interpreting this rules.