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Problem | Clarification |
General |
What are the time and memory limits? 5 seconds and 512 MB. |
D - D Pray Mink |
if the starting number is not prime the process ends? No response. Read the problem statement carefully. |
C - C Hamster |
For Sample Input 1, why can't the hamster traverse the grid top-left -> top-right -> middle-right -> middle-left -> bottom-left -> bottom-right, for a score of 14? The hamster does not revisit any fields he has already visited in this path, and every successive field is adjacent to the previous. No response. Read the problem statement carefully. |
D - D Pray Mink |
just confirming, 1 is not considered prime right? No response. |
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Copyright (c) 2005-2010 by Sonny Chan